Landon Cortenbach

Landon Cortenbach

Chief Financial Officer at MSH

Leadership, Public Accounting, Finance


Landon Cortenbach is chief financial officer of MSH, a global technology and talent solutions company. His experience leading finance teams in global companies includes holding senior management positions at start-ups and Fortune 50 companies.

From Magic Leap to Beats by Dr. Dre, Landon applies a people-first approach to his leadership roles. He began his career as an auditor in public accounting and is a certified public accountant (CPA) and financial modeling and valuation analyst (FMVA).

Landon is a mentor at Vanderbilt University’s The Wond’ry, a Center for Innovation and Design.

Articles by Landon Cortenbach

The Culture of Finance

The Culture of Finance

February 14, 2023
Building Perspective Beyond Dollars & Cents

Building Perspective Beyond Dollars & Cents

January 17, 2023
The Evolving Role of Chief Financial Officers

The Evolving Role of Chief Financial Officers

December 9, 2022
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