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Sep 29, 2023
new course

Fundamentals of Data Analysis in Excel - Case Study

This case study takes you deep into Excel fundamentals for data analysis through seven challenges. It’s a hands-on way to practice your Excel skills.

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Sep 26, 2023
new course

Mastering Client Discovery

Understand the importance of a discovery meeting as a point of client conversion or loss in the FPWM client-advisory journey.

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Aug 21, 2023
practice lab

Developing ESG Policies

Determine what ESG policies are needed for an example company, write core policy content, and decide policy governance.

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Aug 3, 2023
new course

Communicating & Leading with Influence

This course provides leaders with the knowledge and frameworks to enhance their ability to communicate and influence their team, peers, and other stakeholders to achieve excellence in performance outcomes.

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Aug 1, 2023
new course

Build a Presentation with Macabacus

This course is designed to help you use Macabacus to efficiently build a presentation that is dynamically linked to files in Excel.

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Jul 26, 2023
new course

Networking, Prospecting, & Converting Leads

Learn the foundational skills to establish your market presence and grow your business as a financial planner or wealth management advisor.

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