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Jun 29, 2023
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Introduction to InsurTech

Discover how InsurTech is revolutionizing the insurance industry and gain a competitive edge in this rapidly evolving field.

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Python Fundamentals Case Study

Take on the role of a data analyst using Python to answer a series of business questions.

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Jun 14, 2023
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The Role of The FP&A Professional

It’s an exciting time to be in a financial planning and analysis (FP&A) role as it is one of the most important and rapidly evolving corporate finance functions.

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Jun 13, 2023
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Alternative Investments for Wealth Advisors

Whether you’re an aspiring Wealth Advisor or Retail Portfolio Manager, Alternative Investments are a popular and essential part of modern Wealth management that can give you – and your clients – an edge.

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Jun 1, 2023

Become a Macabacus Specialist

Set yourself apart with in-demand Macabacus productivity and brand compliance skills spanning across Microsoft Excel, PowerPoint and Word. Earn a Macabacus Specialization upon completion.

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Effective Business Writing

Regardless of your chosen career and industry, learning the skills and habits to ensure you always put your best foot forward means mastering effective business writing.

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